It is possible to catch COVID-19 either by breathing in droplets coughed out or exhaled by a person with COVID-19 or by touching eyes, nose or mouth after handling a contaminated object. All sections of society, including businesses and employees must play a role if we are to stop the spread of this disease. Compliance LEV therefore identify the business activities that could expose workers or others and follow the practical steps suggested below by the World Health Organisation to prevent spread of COVID-19. Our fleet has underwent a deep clean and sanitisation and our LEV Engineers are fully briefed on safety when testing LEV systems in all industries such as aviation, welding. wood dust, RCS (Respirable Crystalline Silica), Titanium, flour and bakery dust, paint fume, & metallisation.
Practical steps will vary dependent on nature and location of industry, exposure to infection, supply chains, etc. The following steps and measures are far from exhaustive and will constantly be reviewed and updated.
The following basic infection prevention measures, drawn from the WHO, can protect individuals from getting sick and spreading sickness:
-Promote and enforce frequent handwashing and respiratory hygiene.
-Wear a facial covering and/or face visor.
-Discourage touching eyes, nose, mouth.
-Ensure workplace is clean and hygienic, and regularly disinfect surfaces and objects, use of hand santistizer.
-Advise employees to stay at home when sick and to seek medical advice if they have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell.
-Practice social distancing where recommended.
-Stay informed and follow advice from international health organisations such as the WHO and your national health organisationand government.