01290 823123


Mauchline, Ayrshire

Compliance LEV News

Large, Old Oil Mist LEV removed and replaced by a Low Cost OIL Mist Unit

Electrostatic Oil Mist LEV
Electrostatic Oil Mist LEV to be replaced by more efficient Oil Mist LEV

We were approached by a long term client to look at a lean project to reduce costs on Oil Mist units, we replaced  9 x Electro static systems with 9 x smaller and more economic hard ducted Oil Mist units with washable filters and low running costs, completely in line with client expectations and HSE Guidance on Oil Mist.

Oil Mist LEV
More efficient, hard ducted Oil Mist LEV systems installed.

These 9 Oil Mist systems were changed out over 3  days in North East England.  Compliance LEV change, service and test these LEV systems across all of England, Scotland and Wales.  For Oil mist service or free guidance contact Compliance LEV

HSE announced a renewed focus on Welding, Weld Fume and Oil Mist

HSE have announced that there is a renewed focus on Welding and weld fume and on Oil Mist.

For welding fume including mild steel welding regardless of duration, HSE will no longer accept any welding undertaken without any suitable exposure control measures in place, as there is no known level of safe exposure.

Your weld fume should ideally be captured at source using the correct weld fume local exhaust ventilation.

Compliance LEV can supply various types of Mobile Weld Fume LEV,  including Wall Hung Weld Fume LEV, Centralised Weld Fume LEV, Downdraught Bench etc., to cope with grinding and dressing dust.

Contact Compliance LEV Ltd or free help, advice and quotation to ensure you stay fully compliant with HSG 258 for your welding fume systems.

With regard to Oil Mist or metal working fluids Compliance LEV have supplied and installed various types of Oil Mist LEV across all of the UK from the Highlands of Scotland and through all England’s counties.

In all aspects of machining metal working fluids or oil mist are high on the HSE control agenda because of the aerosol and the vapour they create.

If you have an issue with oil mist, if you need statutory LEV testing also known as TExT or if you need oil mist unit servicing, oil mist filters or complete new Oil Mist Systems, please contact LEV for free help advice and quotation to ensure you stay fully Compliant with HSG 258 for your Oil Mist Systems

The Official HSE Health and Safety app for SMEs

Guidance at your fingertips

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are delighted to announce the release of a bespoke mobile app, designed to help organisations understand the law, their health and safety rights, and their responsibilities.

HSE’s mission is to prevent death, injury and ill-health in Great Britain’s workplaces. Ensuring that guidance is available and accessible in a variety of formats is central to achieving this objective.

Created in partnership with The Stationery Office (TSO), the app is primarily for small and medium sized businesses to help them better understand the law and what is required to protect employees.

The app is now available as a ‘public beta’ and can be downloaded on your Apple or Android device from either the iOS or Google Play Store.

How do I download the HSE app?

The HSE health and safety app is now available to downloaded as a one-off introductory rate of only £2.99 from the Apple iOS store and the Google Play Store.

Use the links below to download on your device:

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

HSE mobile app

An LEV Solution with Environmental and Economic Benefits

Our client had a very large wet dust collector sited outdoors which pulled air from 3 booths in which titanium grinding took place.


Titanium dust is explosive hence the requirement for a wet

dust collector, where the sparkrisk is mitigated immediately as it hits the water.

As an environmentally aware company here at Compliance LEV we are always looking for ways to reduce impact on the environment, save energy and save money and running costs for our clients.

We began with a site survey and noticed right away that our client was only using a single booth 80% of the time whilst requiring to run the big external dust collector to get the single booth its required airflow… meanwhile 3 booths worth of warm condition air was being cast outside of the building!

Our solution was to decommission the large outdoor unit and replace it with 3 localized internal systems. This would mean each booth could operate individually and only run it’s own dust collector.

Environmental and Economic benefits of this solution:

  1. Only run the much smaller Fan and motor as and when required, reducing environmental impact, emissions and energy costs.
  2. The systems return their air (thanks to our bespoke after filter system) and the buildings heated and conditioned air is retained preventing heating air twice!
  3. We removed the productions single point of failure, if one system were to become un-usable for any reason the process can now move to a neighbouring booth.

Result – client saves money, environmental impact and carbon footprint is reduced.

Compliance LEV: Measures to Mitigate Impact of Covid19 in the Workplace

It is possible to catch COVID-19 either by breathing in droplets coughed out or exhaled by a person with COVID-19 or by touching eyes, nose or mouth after handling a contaminated object. All sections of society, including businesses and employees must play a role if we are to stop the spread of this disease. Compliance LEV therefore identify the business activities that could expose workers or others and follow the practical steps suggested below by the World Health Organisation to prevent spread of COVID-19.  Our fleet has underwent a deep clean and sanitisation and our LEV Engineers are fully briefed on safety when testing LEV systems in all industries such as aviation, welding. wood dust, RCS (Respirable Crystalline Silica), Titanium, flour and bakery dust, paint fume, & metallisation.

Practical steps will vary dependent on nature and location of industry, exposure to infection, supply chains, etc.  The following steps and measures are far from exhaustive and will constantly be reviewed and updated.

The following basic infection prevention measures, drawn from the WHO, can protect individuals from getting sick and spreading sickness:

-Promote and enforce frequent handwashing and respiratory hygiene.

-Wear a facial covering and/or face visor.

-Discourage touching eyes, nose, mouth.

-Ensure workplace is clean and hygienic, and regularly disinfect surfaces and objects, use of hand santistizer.

-Advise employees to stay at home when sick and to seek medical advice if they have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell.

-Practice social distancing where recommended.

-Stay informed and follow advice from international health organisations such as the WHO and your national health organisationand government.

A Temporary Installation – A Long Term Solution.

Our client had a single large metal dressing booth.  The dust collector was highly energy inefficient, we wrote a business case and carried out energy saving calculations to prove a less than 5 year ROI.  This system was also a single point of failure in a critical process line.

Following Lean excercises with our in-house practitioner the descision was made to manufacture two separate systems. We installed one titanium explosive dust system  in a temporary location  allowing the operators to continue, whilst removal of the inefficient wet dust collector was carried out.

Continuity of production of these key aerospace parts was key to the projects success.

These two dry explosive dust extraction LEV systems were built, commisioned and in service in 5 days including all electrical works.

The result – A future proofing LEV solution!

Face velocity, duct velocity and system parameters were all above design guidance of HSG 258 and Coshh regulations.



Lead Dust & Propellant LEV System

A firing range where the contaminent was lead dust and unburnt propellant. failed its insurance inspections.  They contacted Compliance LEV to assess the system.  


We found that  there was more air being pushed into the range than was being drawn out, this meant that the room became charged with a positive pressure and the result was very turbulent air which actually flowed backwards in the room instead of the desired direction.

Our P604 design engineers worked on a LEV solution meeting HSG254 guidance and COSHH regulations.

Result – LEV system designed, installed and fully compliant.

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Sending all the key workers keeping this country running very kind thoughts and a wish for you all to stay safe and well.  Thank you from all Compliance LEV and their families.

(Happy times before lock down)

Need Help?

Talk to us today to find out how we can help you with your LEV Testing requirements. Either fill in our contact for or call us direct on 01290 823123