01290 823123


Mauchline, Ayrshire

Compliance LEV News

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Sending all the key workers keeping this country running very kind thoughts and a wish for you all to stay safe and well.  Thank you from all Compliance LEV and their families.

(Happy times before lock down)

Portable Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems for use with PVC Applications

A new client approached us with a problem…

They had a PVC lasering process and their extraction was insufficiently designed and supplied by another company who had failed to realise the corrosive nature of the fume caused during the laser process.

When lasering PVC, a very corrosive chlorine gas is emitted, damaging the LEV almost over night!

Compliance LEV helped by specifying a special stainless-steel “epoxy coated” unit which will now stand up to the process.

Result – happy client!




Compliance LEV Out and About in England


Embracing the heatwave in England this week, Compliance LEV visited a client in Berkshire.  Their place of work was very cool, even if we weren’t!

Silca Brick/Stone dust: various issues resolved on site for stone cutting, stone sanding and pneumatic drills and chisels.

Compliance LEV Logbooks ready for August’s new installations!

Did you know that as part of your compliance with CoSHH regulations and HSG258, your LEV system must have a System Logbook and User Manual?

Here at Compliance LEV, every new system we supply comes with a full Logbook packed with useful guide information, user manual, SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), system layouts and much more, meaning you are fully compliant from day one!

We can even create and supply retrospective system logbooks if you don’t have one for an existing system so don’t get caught out… GET IN TOUCH!

Here are the logbooks for the 16 new systems set for installation this August!

Compliance LEV

With  renewed focus on welding fume, fine dust, fume extraction, and Local Exhaust Ventilation systems by HSE, Compliance LEV Ltd are here to help companies like yours with your Local Exhaust Ventilation compliance and legal obligations under HSE Guidance (HSG 258).

Compliance LEV Ltd are LEV engineers offering testing, filters, LEV repairs, new LEV systems etc., a complete services provider throughout Scotland, England, and Wales.

We do not offer degrees of service such as Bronze, Silver or Gold; Compliance LEV offer the same high quality to all our clients across the board.  Whether you contact us for LEV testing or you require LEV system design or installation, no job is too large or too small, and all clients receive a diamond service from Compliance LEV.

“Our approach is to build strong, lasting relationships based on trust and transparency.”

Contact us at:


Compliance LEV Out and About in Leeds

This week Compliance LEV were in Leeds  looking at an explosive and fully ATEX system for a prestigious North West client who work with flour and organics dust.

What a great city!


Compliance LEV – Weld Fume Systems

Call us mad but we’re like kids in a sweetie shop!

Three new Weld Fume Portable units ready to go out to customers.

One for Edinburgh – one for Ayrshire and one heading to the North East of England.

All ready to go with operator gauges, SOP and log books.

Fully compliant with HSG258 and COSHH regulations.

Compliance LEV Out and About in Scotland

How beautiful is our blue planet?  Compliance LEV never take it for granted.

When you’re next outdoors, whether it’s a camping trip, a stroll along the beach, a countryside walk or as our Dale was doing here, enjoying the view in Argyll & Bute while eating his piece, why not help by picking up some discarded plastic?

If everyone just picked up ONE thing on each outdoor stint, imagine the difference it could make.

So, any plastic or litter you see on your travels, if you can, pick it up and pop it into a bucket, basket or reusable bag to be safely disposed of later, or just get it straight into the nearest bin.


Need Help?

Talk to us today to find out how we can help you with your LEV Testing requirements. Either fill in our contact for or call us direct on 01290 823123